

Are you in a band or do you shred radical gnar?
Get your pictures or music featured on Goon Squad Forever by sending your content to submissions.goonsquad@gmail.com

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The 2012 GSF Top 10 List

#10 Chasing My Mind, Holograms

#9 Got No Money, Fidlar

#8 The Dog, Snow Club

#7 Triathalon, Teenager

#6 Lessons, Beach Fossils

Grimes is a hottie.

#5 Genesis, Grimes

Captain Murphy really rocked my socks these last couple of months.  The Flying Lotus, Tyler the Creator, Earl Sweatshirt, and friends collaboration really produced some fun to listen to music.  If you haven't seen the video mixtape, watch Duality in it's entirety here.  Our pick off the album is The Ritual and it stands out as a track a piece of music that can really creep you the hell out if you get into the lyrics.  Ever thought about what it might be like to be a cult member?  Give The Ritual a listen and you'll have an idea.
#4 The Ritual, Captain Murphy

King Tuff came in as GSF's top band of 2012.  Their self-titled album has a number of excellent rock tracks that make us wish that more musicians these days would grow a pair.  Their talent really shows in the composition of Baby Just Break as it builds and gets listeners stoked to shred or just have some fun.
#3 Baby Just Break, King Tuff

I Kontact is the catchiest song on this list.  Whenever the goons are getting pumped for stoner bashing time, this track is always bangin' out the speakers.  Throughout the video, you can't help but wonder if Michael Jackson was ever as cool as this guy.  I mean, I only knew him as the weirdo ghoul thing, but the kid in the video seems like Michale incarnate, but back when he was a cool bro.  Anyhow, this song kiiiiiiiills it.  
#2 I Kontact, Outer Limitz

THIS FUCKING SONG!  Every time I hear In Decay I get the groovy bug and want to grind on my girl in that funky way.  It's like taking a happy pill that only lasts 4 minutes and according to my itunes count I've listened to it 116 times.  That's.... 4x116.... almost 8 hours of Phèdre!  Well, what can I say?  they had a phenomenal year and are currently over in Germany recording a new album. Hopefully it's got some golden nuggets like to their last one.
#1 In Decay, Phèdre

Thanks for tuning in this last year, we here at GSF really appreciate it.  MUCH MUCH MORE coming in 2013.  We look forward to having you back.


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Chris Malinchak

So Good To Me

This song reminded me of the many times I rode that bumpy and sometimes sketchy trail to Sands.  It's a little bit less of an adventure now that there's a nice groomed trail, but who can deny any change that makes things a little easier?  Next time I visit I'll probably pull a classic old timer line about being there before everything got all shitty.  Meh.  

So Good to Me makes me excited to go to an electronic show that doesn't want to rape my ears with silly and unsoundly drops.  More of this please, musical world.  


Friday, December 28, 2012

Wildcat! Wildcat!

What can I say? A band that has about three singles out and change. I'm yearning for MORE! Can anyone help? I guess that's my job. I checked out the website, very simple stuff here, yet when they go to describe their sound they nail it. "indie/electro/pop/sexybeats"
Ya dig? If you dig a little deeper you'll find a little more than just three singles (it's like unwrapping presents *Merry late Christmas*) I can't hog all the fun. January 4th, 2013 they will be playing at the Natural History Museum and you, as well as I will do everything in our power to go and watch them. For now feel free to have a little taste.

Mr. Quiche



Thursday, December 27, 2012


The Facts

I love love loooooove the smooth sound of an electric keyboard.  Kinda puts you in the mood eh?  I'll be keeping tabs on Afta-1 from now on.  Also, check out one of his projects called rianglecircletrianglesquare, but don't stay there too long or you'll freak out.  Here's his main website afta1.com.  Get stoked for the new year! 


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Spit Thunder


Shout out to all the idiot club owners in Miami.


Friday, December 21, 2012

Forest Swords

Rattling Cage

It took me so long to figure out which movie it was that reminded me of Forest Swords' video for Rattling Cage.  The film is called Death Wish 3 and it's nots an academy award winner so don't try and watch it with super high expectations.  Death Wish 3 is about an architect (Charles Bronson) who 
returns to New York to find it festering in crime and filth. This is where Bronson comes in à la badass vigilante and does his thing. With an incredible arsenal and shitty asshole villain (above) you'll definitely have a fun time watching and playing the complimentary drinking game below.  

The Rules:
1. One Drink every time Charles Bronson Kills someone.
2. Two Drinks when anyone else kills someone
3. Three drinks every time a rape occurs (it would be 4 drinks if they get raped then killed)
4. If Charles Bronson sleeps with someone then they get killed its four drinks (Don't add 1 because someone other than Charles Bronson killed her its only 4)
5. Five drinks anytime the person killed is clearly a mannequin
6. Finish your drink anytime Charles Bronson blows someone up
7. If the killing is done by a machine gun or any automatic weapon its a waterfall (drink til the killing stops)

Special Rules if you really want to get wasted (add one drink when these happen):
1. Double kills add one drink
2. When Charles Bronson says a cheezy line (viewers discretion)
3. Whenever Charles Bronson eats ice cream
4. Whenever Charles Bronson shoots an unarmed person that is begging for mercy or looking right at him. Basically when its execution style.
5. Whenever someone falls from a building
6. When you see an actor you recognize from a different movie ex: Bill from Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure, Lawrence Fishburne or Jeff Goldblum
7. Whenever a theft occurs

rules courtesy of robbblogs.blogspot.com


Thursday, December 20, 2012


Enjoy this tune from PAWS off their latest album Cokefloat titled Miss American Bookworm.

Miss American Bookworm


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Just Raw Music Festival

HEEEEEEYOOOOOOO!!!!! Just Raw and Goon Squad Forever present the first official logo for the Summer of 2013 music festival! Art and Design creds go to Gonz, *hat tip. Now what is Just Raw? Just Raw is a music festival whose proceedings will be donated to a local charity.  The Just Raw staff are currently searching for 4 eligible bands to book, so if there any suggestions, let us know!  This will be an intimate event for around 300-400 lucky attendees so tickets will be limited!  The location and ticket prices are all  to be announced in the coming months.  For all you 21 and up, yes, there will be a beer garden.  Friends, Just Raw is simply an event to help bands get exposure and to promote the local arts so put a note down for us this coming summer! You don't want to miss out on an event like this!

The Just Raw staff are currently in the process of booking artists, but are also open to bands who wish to come out and play.

For event specific inquiries/booking email: JustRawMusicFestival@gmail.com

For general information and updates visit our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/JustRawMusicFestival 

and follow us on twitter @JustRawMusic

additional updates may be found here on goonsquadforever.blogspot.com

Just Raw Music: supporting local talent.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Big Boi Reads the Grinch

Big Boi aka Daddy Fat Sacks aka Sir Lucious Left Foot aka one half of the mighty OutKast stopped by the VICE offices to entertain all the good little girls and boys with Dr. Seuss's Christmas time classic "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."

haha yes, it is true. Just watch it.

thanks VICE!


The XX

"John Talabot + Pional have been supporting us on our tour recently, and made one of our favourite albums of 2012, 'Fin'. They've done a wonderful remix of Chained, paying homage to another of our favourite productions, The Streets' 'Blinded by The Lights'. Hope you like it.


The xx"

Via XL records

Chained (John Talabot and Pional Blinded remix)

Quality electronic beats right there.  Kinda makes me want to upgrade the desktop speakers to get the full experience.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Tiger High

Leave it Alone

It was a cold one out there today so I put this song on and jumped around.  Warmed up right quick!


Sunday, December 16, 2012

4AD Sampler 2012

Hey folks, I have a special years end treat for you from our friends over at the 4AD label.  They put together some of their artists' top songs, a few I know and a few that are new to me.  Track list below.

Grimes - Genesis
Purity Ring - Obedear
SpaceGhostPurrp - The Black God
Inc. - 5 days
Efterklang - Apples
Daughter - Smother
Indians - Cakelakers
David Byrne and St. Vincent - Who
 Twin Shadow - 5 Seconds
 Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Only In My Dreams
Mark Lanegan Band - Gravedigger's Song
Scott Walker - See You Don't Bump His Head


Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Tomb Weavers

Collecting Tyme


Cool track with a cool bro above it.  Sallah is da man.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Company Flow

Simian Drugs aka Feeling Ignorant

"I'm friends with God, I'm friends with Satan.  Depends on the situation"

UH!  Reminded me of playing Twisted Metal for some reason.  Fun times.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Captain Murphy

Guess Tosh jumped on the Captain Murph gravy train!  I missed the episode, but caught a 14 second shout out to them.

Ahhhh my favorite CM song filmed at the Low End Theory in LA.  If you listen closely you can hear Gaslamp Killer at the end.


Vibes of the Tribe

Musical Musings

We are lucky to live during an amazing time for music.  The advancement of production technology has opened up seemingly unlimited possibilities for arrangements of sounds and rhythms, and many new producers are tending towards novel and abstract styles of composition.  The result: dynamic works of auditory expression that are interesting listening-experiences for the mind and transcend conventional genre-labeling.

I would like to share a new track of mine- one that represents my effort to balance/harmonize acoustic recordings with electronic samples, gentle melodies with heavier basslines, and organic textures with driving percussions, all layered within a coherent beat structure.

Please share with others if you like what you are hearing.  You can contact me directly with any comments/criticisms/etc at peter.ebiner@gmail.com


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

G Sauce

Hey folks,
Below is a rad mix by G Sauce that has samples from one of my favorite childhood movies.  The tracklist is stacked with great bands so give it a listen and send him some love on G Sauce's Soundcloud page.


(00:25) Slugabed - New Worlds
(03:51) Flying Lotus - All In
(06:24) Taquwami - Slow::::Long▲Dream
(10:08) Nathan Fake - Charlies' House
(16:07) Apparat - Goodbye
(20:35) Mathbonus - Fog
(25:46) Zammuto - Too Late to Topologize
(30:35) Halls - White Chalk
(35:37) XXYYXX - Alone
(39:45) Gorillaz - Revolving Doors
(43:10) Eprom - Variations
(47:29) James Vincent McMorrow - We Don't Eat (Adventure Club Remix)
(50:52) Clams Casino - I'm God

Monday, December 10, 2012

Halasan Bazar

Scroll Down

POWERFUL Halasan Bazar is back!  I really dig these guys and can't wait to see them when they come play in the US (hint hint come tour over here HB).


Sunday, December 9, 2012

King Tuff

The fuckin' gangsta returns!  Here's a new track for you addicts.

A little bit different than the usual King Tuffy we all know and love, but still enjoyable.

Crush it kiddos.


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Captain Murphy

A few gold nugs from Duality...

you're going to want to have something that can pump the bass for this one.

Shake Weight

(ft. Azizi Gibson and Jeremiah Jae)

If you haven't heard the whole album, download it somehow.  You won't be disappointed.


Friday, December 7, 2012

La Uva Pasa


Uva's a homeboy from Spain and I'm stoked on how well his video turned out.  Contigo had solid verses, beats, and cinematography leaving me with only one question, where can I download it?   Buen trabajo, amigo.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Maylee Todd

Baby's Got It

Fun song.  You know what's more fun than this song?  Watching Maylee Todd. 


That is all.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012



New kid on the streets spittin' some ill flows.  Check out another vid of Ratking below, there's a sick beat somewhere in the middle.

On the Road

Looking forward to more of them!


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Prodigy

Smack My Bitch Up
Major Lazer Remix


Noisa Remix

The Noisa Remix would be fucking crazy live, holy shit!


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Yacht Club

Fail to Cry
This song reminded me of The 3 Ninjas. I dunno why, but it did. Anyhow, cool song brah!


Friday, November 30, 2012

King Tuff Now in 3D!

Keep On Movin' (NEW VIDEO!)

KT is my favorite gangster.  Now where did I put those 3D glasses I stole from Disneyland? 


Thursday, November 29, 2012


She is the Wave

Today is my birthday and decided to post this as a gift to myself.  Sick. Ass. Track, yo!


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Gaslamp Killer

Seven Years of Bad Luck for Fun (ft. Dimlite)

Just downloaded Gaslamp Killer's mix, RA 329 and can't wait to listen to it on the way up to SF this weekend.  CHIII!


Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Ted Didlio

Monday, November 26, 2012


I don't give a shit about how famous Muse is, Madness is fuckin' sick...


Sorry for the lack of content recently.  Real life beckoned and now I'm back.  Gooooood shit coming this week!  Stay tuned.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


This should be pretty entertaining.  What, you ask, might the show be about?  No idea.  I'm going to check it out and report back after it airs this Thursday.  Also, the POTUS remains the same.  WHOOP WHOOP.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Toro y Moi

So Many Details

Always smoooooooth, Toro y Moi coming through with a cool jam. I really dig the 80's-esque album as well.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halasan Bazar

Heyo!  I received a heads up about this free mp3 compilation of Moon Glyph artists from Halasan Bazar.  Their song, "Everybody Dies," is featured on Opal Volume 1 and it's definitely worth checking out.  I have a little homework to do with the compilation so I'll be posting other stuff you might like to hear in the coming week.  

Below is a description of the Moon Glyph compilation from their site:

" Out today is our new gift. A free, digital compilation of Moon Glyph artists entitled “Opal Vol.I  and II”. All fresh, exclusive tunes for this collection. Comprised of 2 halves, 26 tracks and over 2 hours of music, “Opal Vol.I and II” spans the diverse psychedelic gamut that we’ve been fostering since inception."
via Moon Glyph
“Opal Vol.I”
1. Tara King th – “Hidden Jack”
2. The New Lines – “The Fishtown Mathematician”
3. Velvet Davenport – “Dark”
4. Halasan Bazar – “Everybody Dies”
5. Non-Travellin’ Band – “A Midnight Ride”
6. Brute Heart – “Sonambulist”
7. Samantha Glass – “Shifting Worlds”
8. The Garment District – “When Raven Claws the Sky”
9. Magic Castles – “Sky Sounds”
10. Clipd Beaks – “This Is Dusk”
11. FWY! – “Savage Heat”
12. Wume – Untitled
13. Deep Earth – “It Stands Our Mother”
14. Muscle Drum – “At Will / At Fault”
15. Food Pyramid – “Birthday Money”
“Opal Vol.II”
1. Treasure Hunt – “Skinny Parrot”
2. Matthewdavid & Diva – “Diva’s Thumb Piano”
3. Deep Magic – Untitled
4. M. Sage – “Illusory Promenade”
5. Zomes – “Metacenter”
6. Meadowlands – “MTTam”
7. Beyond – “The Commune”
8. Angel Eyes – “B/M/E”
9. Beat Detectives – “One Speck”
10. Million Brazilians – “Dyngia Nomad”
11. Future Shuttle – “The Silver Line”
Everybody Dies

I think I'd be more intimidated by a hunter in skinny jeans than just your run of the mill hunter.

download Opal Vol. 1 and 2


Friday, November 2, 2012

Times Neue Roman

Late Night Toronto (ft. Rich Kidd)

It's that damn Times Neue Roman... they're so hot right now.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

GSF October Charts

Hey folks, this is a review of the most viewed/visited music blog posts here on GSF for the month of October.  If you've missed anything worth hearing, you'll find it right here.  The top of the list will be the most popular track going all the way down to #10.  Enjoy.








Whisky is My Kind of Lullaby

Hondo (Lee Paradise remix)


Lots of stuff planned for GSF this month and my birthday is coming up too.  Make my b-day wishes come true and buy a Third Eye Bliss tee.  You'll look great and make me super stoked!


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Flying Lotus

Layer 3

"Flying Lotus 'Layer 3' - A Red Bull Music Academy Film from Red Bull Music Academy on Vimeo

Our new mini-documentary peeks behind the scenes of Flying Lotus’s new live audiovisual extravaganza, 'Layer 3' – which the Academy was proud to assist with developing in support of the 'Until The Quiet Comes' tour. Made with the help of visual artists Strangeloop and Timeboy, the trio have devised a method of transporting FlyLo into outer dimensions using two transparent scrims and interactive front and rear projectors, conjuring nothing short of the acid-fried Space Odyssey "Stargate" scene."

via Brainfeeder

It's pretty neat how FlyLo described himself as a homebody, but now that he feels he has purpose he needs to go out and share that purpose with the world.  I think we're all in search of that happy place and its an accomplishment that Flying Lotus has finally come to his or at least that that first level of higher satisfaction.  

It's fun to think about our own pursuits, if we have found something important to us, and where they will take us.  It's not that difficult to step back and analyze our lives to see if we're going in the right way, we just need to do it.  I spoke with Jeff Svoboda of First Floor Surfboards and I could tell that, though he's busy as shit, he's doing his thing and really vibin' his situation.  It shows in the quality and uniqueness of his surfboards.  Refreshingly enough as bumping into a friend like Jeff is, it seems like many people I meet and know are just floating through life.   A tough thing to discover for yourself is a purpose and that's right in the ballpark of other existential things like the question, "who am I?"

Without any substantial life goals or feeling as if you don't have any reason for being around, the void of not looking forward to anything will take a shit on your brain and how you feel.  To not fall into a rut or to quickly bounce back from getting fucked by the world, set some goals for yourself so you can always have something to look forward to.  Society, specifically corporations in pursuit of profits, will prey on primordial "achievement instincts" to get people fiending for more and to grab our attention for as long as possible.  But we can control and channel that thing in our brain that wants that instant gratification, we just have to be conscious of it and want to master it.  I've started eating healthier and trying to optimize my body with the fuel in needs to run on and I feel physically and mentally better.  Better able to deal with the stresses of an incredibly stressful world that isn't going to get any easier.  Take care of your body and your mind will thank you (and vice versa).


I had to get a little deep right there for second.  Feels good to do it sometimes.  I love music and posting daily is one of my personal goals (albeit a smaller one in the grander scheme of things).  Well, Happy Halloweiner, kiddos.


Halloween Tunes

Yeeeaaaah!! Halloween is my favorite holiday and I love getting in the mood by watching horror movies.  One thing that can really give a film that extra scary edge is a great soundtrack.  So, below are a few songs that might put a chill down your spine.  Enjoy.

Smouldering Fury

The Gaslamp Killer - Shattering Inner Journeys (ft. Computer Jay)

Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

Heavy Hawaii

Super Bowl XXIX

A chiller song off DC Shoes' surf mini movie, Free For All, which I viewed over at SURFBANG.  The short, but sweet flick has some fun clips of Craig Anderson swaggin' it out.  Go watch it!


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Young Pharaohs

Put Your Love In My Hands

Another great track from Young Pharoahs.  Be sure to check out Balconies, it's another winner just like this one.  Also, Sloane's a babe, shwing!


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Natural Child


Pack this in your pipe and smoke it. DTV is definitely going on my shredlist, WHOOP WHOOP!


Friday, October 26, 2012


Our Song
photo creds to Sally Mckay

Mega shout out to Brandon C for the heads up on Ultraísta. I browsed their youtube vids and they've got a bunch more killer songs. Check 'em out!


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains

Whisky is My Kind of Lullaby

I heard this on the dublab podcast and after the second verse I knew I would want to learn the lyrics.  Gonna drunkenly sing this song pretty soon haha....


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

St. Anne's Place @ Storke Plaza, UCSB

I saw these guys at Muddfest a month or two back and they had some grungy songs.  Definitely going to see them again this coming Monday!  Here's the details straight from ASPB's site:

St. Anne’s Place in Storke Plaza on Monday, October 29th, 2012, as part of our FREE noon-time shows throughout the quarter.
Stop by Storke Plaza each week at noon to enjoy FREE music and FREE ice cream.
You'd be a damn fool to pass up free ice cream.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Beta Frontiers

Hondo (Lee Paradise of Phèdre Remix)

This was the song on the Tiff mix that I just couldn't get out of my head.  I had to find it, buy it, and play that shit on repeat.  I'll probably over listen to it and hate the song in a month, but for now it's my fix, son!  Anyhoo, it reminded me of futuristic/fantastical, Heavy Metal Magazine stuff (hence the art above).  If you like graphic novels and crazy sci-fi stories then you should definitely look into what Heavy Metal Mag is all about.  I'm out for Taco Tuesdayz.


Monday, October 22, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Beta Frontiers


A siiiiiiIIIIck song starts around 4:20 ish.  Super hot mix and it's free to download!


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Times Neue Roman

Way Way Down

It appears I've been perusing Dap Recs this week... Lots of good stuff coming out of that label (PHèDRE!).  Check em out!


Friday, October 19, 2012


Gotta. Have. My. Punk.

Some music just makes you want to jump into a mosh pit.  Actually I just had a funny thought:  the viagra song.  A song that gives you a boner.  wtf?


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

US Girls


Throwback OK Chalet up in hur!  That girl effectively hid her identity because I honestly cant remember who the hell that was.  Anyway, dope saucy sauce song!  
