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Wednesday, April 6, 2011


what matters most

Ahhhh I LOOOOVE IT.  The song mostly and i can't complain about the crisp looking vid (I recommend you redirect yourself to the vimeo site to watch the vid in HD) which was shot on location in Seattle, Washington.  The guy from Shabazz Palaces who I cant remember his name helped with some of the music.  I didn't really catch any of what he did music wise in the vid, I mostly heard Flylo, but it's all good.  Here's what Shabazz is all about.  

Oh!  so i hear Coachella is coming up in a couple days?  This weekend or the next?  It doesn't really matter because I wouldnt be able to make it anyways.  What does matter my friends is that I will be going to mofuckin PRIMAVERA FESTIVAL and you can all bet your sweet asses I'll be writing about it and posting hot naked myspace pics of myself in my future new Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All tee (partially newdie pics i suppose).  Well, I'm off for pizza.

later internet kids.


Friday, April 1, 2011




Apparently ED Banger has been taking care of business behind the scenes.  We can expect the new Justice album sometime this year and SebastiAn is releasing his new single Embody.   SebastiAn's track is blowing up right now, picking up a lot of solid hype thanks to the So-Me directed Embody music video.  For me, it's one of those tracks where I'm scared of overplaying it, but I honestly can't stop listening to it.  Embody screams Pharrell while making you want to dance your pants off and is perfect for the trip to class, bathroom, skate park or any kind of gnar sesh.  Check out the Embody music video below.


ahhh! i listened to Embody 5 times while I was posting this.  Hope you like it & TGIF MOFUCKAS!
