#10 Chasing My Mind, Holograms
#9 Got No Money, Fidlar
#8 The Dog, Snow Club
#7 Triathalon, Teenager
#6 Lessons, Beach Fossils
Grimes is a hottie.
#5 Genesis, Grimes
Captain Murphy really rocked my socks these last couple of months. The Flying Lotus, Tyler the Creator, Earl Sweatshirt, and friends collaboration really produced some fun to listen to music. If you haven't seen the video mixtape, watch Duality in it's entirety here. Our pick off the album is The Ritual and it stands out as a track a piece of music that can really creep you the hell out if you get into the lyrics. Ever thought about what it might be like to be a cult member? Give The Ritual a listen and you'll have an idea.
#4 The Ritual, Captain Murphy
King Tuff came in as GSF's top band of 2012. Their self-titled album has a number of excellent rock tracks that make us wish that more musicians these days would grow a pair. Their talent really shows in the composition of Baby Just Break as it builds and gets listeners stoked to shred or just have some fun.
#3 Baby Just Break, King Tuff
I Kontact is the catchiest song on this list. Whenever the goons are getting pumped for stoner bashing time, this track is always bangin' out the speakers. Throughout the video, you can't help but wonder if Michael Jackson was ever as cool as this guy. I mean, I only knew him as the weirdo ghoul thing, but the kid in the video seems like Michale incarnate, but back when he was a cool bro. Anyhow, this song kiiiiiiiills it.
#2 I Kontact, Outer Limitz
THIS FUCKING SONG! Every time I hear In Decay I get the groovy bug and want to grind on my girl in that funky way. It's like taking a happy pill that only lasts 4 minutes and according to my itunes count I've listened to it 116 times. That's.... 4x116.... almost 8 hours of Phèdre! Well, what can I say? they had a phenomenal year and are currently over in Germany recording a new album. Hopefully it's got some golden nuggets like to their last one.
#1 In Decay, Phèdre
Thanks for tuning in this last year, we here at GSF really appreciate it. MUCH MUCH MORE coming in 2013. We look forward to having you back.