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Sunday, March 24, 2013

French Cassettes

Every once in a while really cool things kinda happen and you just get really lucky.  I've been getting really lucky since I've moved to San Francisco (except for those fucking parking tickets) and that good fortune has manifested itself in the form of my living situation.  I mean, I share a dining room of a house with my stinky friend Charlie McCone, but the gold nugget fact of the matter is that a sick ass band called the French Cassettes also lives here.  Home is known as the Cat House and this place is always full of talented musicians jamming away in the living room.  The living room is synonymous with recording studio, which has been getting a lot of use as of late.  Since my room is literally on the other side of a curtain, I've been catching the tail end of the French Cassette's production of their newest album Gold Youth that is slated to be released this Summer 2013.  Now this isn't the first time I've heard the FC.  Way back in my college days I saw the Cassettes rock a crowd out in Isla Vista and a few of their well-known tracks called Radley and Mouth Drum really got people psyched.  Here's Mouth Drum below.

If you're even remotely into those bangin' jams you might shit your pants when you hear the sounds of Gold Youth.  I'm getting really stoked to listen to the final product and know that when all is said and done, the amount of effort and attention to detail these guys put into their music will surely pay off.  In recent news, the French Cassettes said goodbye to their former drummer and wish him the best in his future endeavors.  With a void to be filled, the FC are pleased to announce and welcome their new drummer, James/Jimbo J.   Though he doesn't think we hang out with any girls (because we don't) James' educational background in jazz drumming, top-notch drum-tastic technique, and many years as a drummer will only further lend to enhance the bands overall talent and future possibilities.  These guys are locked and cocked to blow your socks off so stay tuned for updates about French Cassettes' upcoming shows and their new album.  ALSO!  Be a lad/lass and like their Facebook page, they'ed really appreciate it.

Lead guitarist Mac Attack and fat


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