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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Grizzly Bear


It should come with no surprise to the ones who know me that I was bound to post a song by my favorite band. I like to describe Grizzly Bear as an acquired taste. It is hard for someone to instantly connect and fall for the music this band puts forth. Took me a while to ease into their sound, tones, and mood this band expresses. I have come to notice a pattern of this being the case with other friends who eventually enjoy another song of Grizzly Bear other than their most popular hit "Two Weeks." With that said, if you have time to explore this band and love watching funky and trippy music videos, then this might be the band for you. Grizzly Bear is notorious for releasing the most abstract, mindful images on their videos. For their latest album Shields, they have released a video for their song Gun-Shy which was directed by Kris Moyes. Luckily, you can get an idea as to what the point the video is trying to portray from this interview with the director
"The idea came from a question:- if the creative energy of any living organism could be seen, what would it look like? Ed, Daniel, T and Bear demonstrate where their creative energy is located by extracting their hair, nails, skin, sweat, tears and blood. This is an invitation for a very rare glimpse of what creative energy could look like on a molecular level, if it could be seen..."
 (more of the interview on:  http://grizzlybearband.tumblr.com/post/40850220794/about-the-gun-shy-video-from-director-kris-moyes)

Even when you pre-acknowledge the message the video is trying to relay, you still lose sense of the point and are awe-struck with everything that is going on with the video. I could sit here and write out an essay about this band but I would rather much let you, the reader and listener go about that journey. Everything about this band is open for interpretation, and that is the beauty of it. Aside from the video, enjoy the music.


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