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Friday, October 5, 2012


"How would you describe Fecal Face to someone that may be unfamiliar?
Well, it went online in 2000, and back then there wasn't much in the way of art/ skate centric websites online. We were online before EBay/ Youtube... Google had just got going a few years before. There were no such terms as "blog", etc. So at the time, it was a pretty radical thing... Now, I tell people it's an online art magazine/ blog that's mainly curated by me and its contributors from San Francisco, Los Angeles, NYC, and wherever really. Been doing it for so long and the web has gone through so many changes... Guess I would call it a forum for art, culture and visual information and stimulation curated through the eyes and ears of a man in his thirties that grew up highly influenced by skateboarding culture, music, art, and life."

via fecalface

It's a dope website and hosts some really crazy-good art.  Buck showed me free fridayz, which is a weekly drawing contest open to anyone that awards the artist of the top rated piece with some swwwag.  Check it out!


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